• Sergio Pellegrino, Joyce and Kent Kresa Professor of Aerospace and Civil Engineering at CALTECH

Pellegrino’s general area of research is the mechanics of lightweight structures, focusing on packaging, deployment, shape control and stability. He is currently working on novel concepts for future space telescopes, spacecraft antennas, and space-based solar power systems. He is an expert on analysis methods for stratospheric balloons.

  • Erasmo Carrera, President of Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Carrera’s main research topics are composite materials, finite elements, plates and shells, postbuckling and stability, smart structures, thermal stress, aeroelasticity, multibody dynamics, and the design and analysis of non-classical lifting systems.

  • Luciano Demasi, Co-Chair of Department of Aerospace Engineering at SDSU

Demasi’s main research interests are in the fields of Composite Structures, Computational Solid Mechanics, Static and Dynamic Aeroelasticity, Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics, Reduced Order Models for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Problems, Unconventional Wing Configurations, Aeroelasticity of Flapping Wings.

  • Sergio De Rosa, University of Naples Federico II, Editor of Aerotenica Missili e Spazio

De Rosa’s main involvements areas are applicability of the energy methods for the linear systems, use of finite element approach with energetic unknowns, influence of the sensors on the structural and acoustic measurements, aero-elasticity and hydro-elasticity of non-lifting plates.

  • Gianluca Iaccarino, Director of the PSAAP Center at Stanford

Iaccarino’s main research interests are the use of computing and data to solve problems in energy, biomedicine, aerodynamics, propulsion, design, and the multiphysics simulations, uncertainty quantification and exascale computing.

  • Thierry Magin, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI)

Magin’s research interests are hypersonics, atmospheric entry flows, thermal protection materials, space debris, meteor phenomenon, air-breathing electric propulsion, kinetic theory, asymptotic fluid solutions, collisional-radiative mechanisms, gas-surface interaction, catalysis, ablation, pyrolysis, melting, evaporation, porous media, nonequilibrium plasmas, radiation, rarefied gas effects, multiphysics computational methods, computational fluid dynamics, stochastic particle methods, deterministic Boltzmann solvers, uncertainty quantification methods, Bayesian inference, model validation.

  • Hiraku Sakamoto, Associate Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology

Sakamoto’s main research areas are Structural dynamics, Geometrically nonlinear finite element methods and other computational structural analysis methods, Space structures design, especially design of gossamer systems (membrane and cable space structures), Attitude determination and control systems for spacecraft, Systems engineering and project management for small systems/projects.

  • Adriano Calvi, Mechanical, Thermal and Propulsion Systems Engineer of the Euclid Project at ESA

Calvi has contributed to several space projects, such as Spacehab, MPLM, Columbus, GOCE. In 2011 he was appointed Mechanical Lead Engineer of Sentinel-3. He has contributed to several ECSS documents. He was chairman, technical manager and co-author of the “Spacecraft Mechanical Loads Analysis Handbook”. He was lecturer in Spacecraft Mechanical Loads Analysis at the ESTEC Training Centre. Nowadays he is retired.

  • Francesco Picano, University of Padua
The main research interests concern computational fluid dynamics with application to aerodynamics, environmental and biological flows. In particular, the main focus relates to the development and use of computational approaches tailored for high-performance computing facilities in order to contribute to the simulations of complex systems, such as supersonic, multiphase, turbulent flows and fluid-structure interaction problems.

Committee – Organizing Committee

  • Maria Cinefra, Associate Professor at Polytechnic of Bari
  • Francesco Bonelli, Assistant Professor at Polytechnic of Bari
  • Marco Donato de Tullio, Full Professor at Polytechnic of Bari
  • Giuseppe Pascazio, Full Professor at Polytechnic of Bari
  • Ada Ranieri, PhD Student at Polytechnic of Bari
  • Andrea Rubino, PhD Student at Polytechnic of Bari
  • Andrea Troise, PhD Student at Polytechnic of Bari


Speakers & Organizing Committee


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